We wanted to put together some tips for winter motoring. We have also included useful kit to keep in your vehicle and some advice on staying safe out on the roads.

Essential Toyota Winter Driving Kit

RoughTrax Ice ScraperThe weather can change at any time so it’s best to be prepared. Here is list of kit to keep in your Toyota to help get you out of a pickle or help you stay warm.

  • Ice Scraper – Have you managed to get your hands on one of our lovely orange RoughTrax ice scrapers yet!
  • De-icer, Torch and Spare Batteries
  • First Aid Kit

To take on long winter journeys

  • Mobile phone and power bank to keep your phone fully charged
  • A hot flask and snacks
  • Waterproofs, warm clothes, and some form of high-vis jacket
  • Stable footwear
  • Shovel
  • Jump leads
  • Warning triangles
  • TOP TIP – Take some old sacking/old rug in case your tyres lose grip in wet or muddy conditions.

Before you leave

  • Leave a bit early in case there are delays.
  • If it’s looking frosty allow for extra time to defrost your Toyota.
  • Make sure your route includes main roads as they’re more likely to be gritted and cleared.
  • Sounds simple but wear comfy dry shoes which won’t slip on the pedals.
  • Don’t get caught short without enough fuel. Allow extra fuel for hold ups or delays.
  • Clear frosted windows and wait for windscreens to be completely demisted.
  • TOP TIP – Check your handbook, some vehicle have a winter mode setting for slippery roads

Driving Safety Tips

Here are some safety driving tips for different road conditions. Worth a quick read even it’s just to refresh your memory!

Toyota in the SnowDriving on Ice and Snow

  • Pull away safely in second gear, slowly easing your foot off the clutch to help you avoid your wheels from spinning.
  • Apply brakes very gently and that’s only if you really need them.
  • If your Toyota gets stuck, first straighten up the steering and clear away any snow from the wheels.
  • Put an old rug in front of the driving wheels to give your tyres something to grip onto.

REMEMBER: When it’s icy stopping distances can be 10 times longer! The key is to move slowly and maneuver gently in snow or ice.

Keep your Windscreen Clear of Ice and Snow

Whilst looking through portholes are great for ships and tanks they aren’t the easiest to see through when driving! Clear the windscreen and other windows as much as you can.

  • The snow on the roof might look cool but if it drops on to the windscreen it could block your view.
  • Turn your blowers to the highest temperature and point towards the windscreen.
  • Use the air conditioning to keep the air dry.
  • Avoid leaving wipers in auto mode because if the wipers freeze it could damage the motor.
  • Don’t forget to keep your screen wash topped up to lower the chance of it freezing.
  • TOP TIP - Keep windows free of snow and dirt to avoid getting a fine!

Stay Visible
Whilst I would love to suggest adding one of our very cool Snorkels to your Toyota or maybe some nice chrome trim here and there so you are the coolest of cats as you run about town, in this case we are going back to basics.

  • Test your lights to make they are working well.
  • Keep lenses clean to help improve visibility of you and for you. It’s worth checking every time you go out.
  • Not the first thing you think of but keep your number plate clear to avoid getting a fine.
  • While you are clearing the snow on your windscreen don’t forget the lights front and rear too.

We hope these few simple tips go some way in helping you stay safe.

A couple other Winter related articles you may find helpful:

> Our article on maintaining your vehicle in the winter
> How often should you change your engine coolant?